
Elder Law

Elder Law and Medicaid

Elder Law is a broad practice area encompassing estate planning and helping clients to qualify or maintain eligibility for government benefits through such programs as SSI, SSDI, the Veterans Benefits Administration, and Medicaid. Elder Law also commonly involves guiding clients through insurance complexities, the difficult process of taking over the affairs of a family member on the decline, and sadly, helping with end-of-life planning.


For better or worse, the Federal government is ultracautious when it comes to its benefits expenditures. Many elder law clients and/or their loved ones have already tried applying for government benefits without professional assistance, full of confidence that the well-deserved benefits would come to them without much ado. But experts in these processes will tell you that government benefits administrations are in fact designed and operate under the principle that if there is anything out of order with a benefits application, no matter how small or seemingly irrelevant, the application will be denied without exception, under any circumstances. In short, it is a rather oppressive process that can be filled with time and money-draining denials from an administration department. The present costs of living with advanced age become progressively more burdensome over time, and eventually become astronomical – particularly in Florida (and still more particularly, in south Florida). Thus, anyone about to deal or already dealing with the challenges that this part of life presents would be well advised to meet with an experienced Elder Law attorney, years in advance of making an application for government benefits, or immediately upon the threat of losing eligibility.

With many years of professional experience focused in Elder Law, and in complementary practice areas such as Estate Planning, Probate, and Business Succession Planning, the Law Office of Robert Fraxedas combines seamless legal services with a compassionate and friendly attorney-client relationship.

Contact us today for a free consultation